Understanding Closures in Programming

Understanding Closures in Programming


2 min read

What is a Closure?

A closure in programming is a function that remembers the environment in which it was created. It can access variables from its enclosing scope, even after that scope has closed.

Example 1: Basic Closure

function outerFunction() {
    let outerVariable = 'I am outside!';

    function innerFunction() {
        console.log(outerVariable); // Accessing outerVariable

    return innerFunction;

const myInnerFunction = outerFunction();
myInnerFunction(); // Outputs: 'I am outside!'

This example demonstrates a basic closure where innerFunction accesses outerVariable from its enclosing function outerFunction.

Nuances and Memory Implications

  1. Memory Retention: Variables used by the closure are retained in memory as long as the closure exists, leading to higher memory usage.

  2. Unintended Capturing: Closures may capture variables unintentionally, leading to unexpected behaviors and memory leaks.

Example 2: Closure in a Loop

function createFunctions() {
    let functions = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        functions.push(function() { 

    return functions;

const funcs = createFunctions();
funcs[0](); // Outputs: 5 (not 0 as expected)
funcs[1](); // Also outputs: 5

All functions in funcs are closures referencing the same i, seeing its value after the loop ends.

Avoiding Memory Leaks

  1. Be mindful of what variables the closure captures.

  2. Release closures when they are no longer needed.

  3. Use let in loops for block-scoped variables.
